The EOS Committee has seven members, including the Chair and Deputy Chair. The Committee is elected by the Storting, and is supported by a secretariat.

Members are elected by the Storting in a plenary session on the recommendation of the Storting's Presidium. Deputy members are not elected. 

The Committee conducts its day-to-day work independently of the Storting, and Members of Parliament are not permitted to simultaneously serve as members of the Committee. The Storting has emphasized that the Committee should have a varied composition, representing both political experience and experience from other areas of society. All Committee members have top level security clearance, in accordance with both national and NATO regulations. Due to the fact that much of the information received by the Committee in its oversight activities is classified, that is, subject to secrecy on the basis of national security interests, Committee members are bound by a duty of secrecy.

The Committee is quorate whenever five members are present. As a rule, all members should be present for all Committee activities, but the Committee may split up during inspections of sites or local facilities. Inspections that are particularly extensive, taking evidence, on-site inspections, etc., may be delegated to the Secretariat and one or more members. The same applies if having a full Committee present would generate disproportionately heavy workloads or high costs.

(All photos below by Anki Grøthe)

Below is a brief presentation of the Committee's current members:

Astri Aas-Hansen 

Committee Chair

Judge at Oslo District Court. Former state secretary for the Ministry of Justice for the Labour Party. Elected to the Committee as a deputy chair on 1 July 2019. She has been the chair since 1 July 2021. Her term of office expires 30 June 2024.

Kristin Krohn Devold

Deputy Chair

CEO for the Norwegian Hospitality Association. Former member of Parliament and Minister of Defence for the Conservative Party. Elected to the Committee from 1 July 2021 until 30 June 2025.

Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa

Former County Governor of Rogaland, minister and MP for the Centre Party and teacher. Elected to the Committee on 1 July 2019. Her term of office expires 30 June 2024.

Erling Johannes Husabø

Professor at Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen. Former acting presiding judge at Gulating Court of Appeal. Elected to the Committee on 1 July 2019. His term of office expires 30 June 2024.

Camilla Bakken Øvald

Economist and lecturer at Kristiania University College. Former adviser and head of Secretariat for the Socialist Left Party's MPs. Elected to the Committee on 1 July 2019. Her term of office expires 30 June 2024.

Jan Arild Ellingsen

Consultant and former MP for The Progress Party. He is also a member of the committee of The Parliamentary Ombudsman for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Elected to the Committee from 1 July 2021 until 30 June 2025.

Olav Lysne

Professor at OsloMET and Director at Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering. Elected to the Committee from 1 July 2021 until 30 June 2025.



The Committee Secretariat

The Committee has established a Secretariat, which has been significantly reinforced in recent years. This has improved the Committee's ability to carry out an effective, systematic, and thorough oversight. The Secretariat has over 25 employees - the head of secretariat, a legal section, a technology section and an administrative section with a head of security, a communications adviser and employees with responsibility for finances, HR, archive and other office functions. 

The primary responsibility of the Secretariat is to take care of day-to-day discipline-oriented and administrative Committee activities.

Central to the Secretariats discipline-oriented responsibilities are preparations and follow-ups in connection with the Committee's internal meetings and inspections. The Secretariat will also assist the Committee in its investigation of complaints and matters raised on the Committee's own initiative. However, decisions in investigated matters are always made by the Committee.

The Secretariat's administrative responsibilities include office management and making arrangements for and facilitating the Committee's meetings and travels.

Furthermore, the Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day contact with the EOS services, international cooperation and the preparation work for the Committee's annual report to the Storting.

Former Committee Chairs and Members

Svein Grønnern - Chair 2019 - 2021, Deputy Chair 1997 - 2019 and member 1996 - 1997
Eldbjørg Løwer - Chair 2011 - 2019
Helga Hernes - Chair 2006 - 2011 and member 1996
Leif Mevik - Chair 1999 - 2006
Rikard Olsvik - Chair 1997 - 1999 and Deputy Chair 1996 - 1997
Per N. Hagen - Chair 1996 - 1997

Øyvind Vaksdal - member 2014 - 2021
Eldfrid Øfsti Øvstedal - member 2016 - 2021
Theo Koritzinsky member 2007 - 2019
Håkon Haugli member 2014 - 2019
Inger Marie Sunde member 2014 - 2019
Trygve Harvold - member 2003 - 2016
Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen - member 2009 - 2014
Gunhild Øyangen - member 2006 - 2013
Hans Johan Røsjorde - member 2011 - 2013
Knut Hanselmann - member 2006 - 2011
Kjersti Graver - member 1998 - 2009
Stein Ørnhøi - member 1996 - 2007
Agnes Reiten - member 1998 - 2006
Mary Kvidal - member 2003 - 2006
Rolf Tamnes - member 2001 - 2003
Oddrun Pettersen - member 1996 - 2002
Elsa Eriksen - member 1996 - 2001
Aud Inger Aure - member 1996 - 1997
John G. Bernander - member 1996